After Approval of a CEPP 1.0 Education Grant

Funding Agreement

Following approval of an application, the grant recipient will be notified and subsequently sent a Funding Agreement for them to sign. A cover letter will be sent with the Funding Agreement.

The Funding Agreement sets out the terms and conditions of the grant as well as the schedules showing disbursement amounts, deliverables and deadlines. It should be read in conjunction with the Education Grant Rules.
CEPP Education Grant Funding Agreement (pdf)

The purpose of the Funding Agreement Cover Letter is to flag key issues in the funding agreement, to advise applicants of the process for signing the Funding Agreement and getting their first distribution of funds, and to point out any special conditions attached to the approval.
CEPP Education Grant Funding Agreement Cover Letter Template (pdf)

Requesting Payment

Payments will be issued to you in a series of disbursements. All recipients must submit CEPP’s Request for Payment form. Here's the Request for Payment template:  CEPP Education Grant Request for Payment Template (doc)

If the grant recipient is HST registered, you must also submit an invoice to the CEPP for the amount of the disbursement. Please use your standard CRA compliant invoice. (Click here for the CRA's page on invoice requirements.)

Submitting Deliverables

The deadline dates for deliverables are listed in Schedule B to the Funding Agreement. When grant recipients submit their deliverables, the submission should include a Deliverables Submission Cover Page in the following form:  CEPP Education Grant Deliverables Submission Cover Page (doc)

Internal Resources Spreadsheet

This template can be used to itemize internal applicant resource costs for your deliverables submission: CEPP Education Grant Internal Applicant Resources Template (xls)

Check In Reports

Grant recipients will be required to submit brief Check-In Reports quarterly. Here is the form for the Check-In Report:  CEPP Education Grant Check In Report (doc)